My personal journey began with an interest in philosophy, understanding body language, yoga, and meditation. And also, with a forever unanswered question in me, “why people behave, the way they behave” …While working all my life with a wide variety of people (personally and professionally), having different perspectives, psyches, behaviors, habits, their reactions towards the situations and circumstances, I notice that how hard it will impact the lives of other’s around them and they are not even aware of the damage. So, in turn, it made me more curious, motivated and determined to study the human behaviors and the root cause of it, which is buried deep down in the unconsciousness and I considered it as “a calling” for me. Then after years of pursuing avenues of personal growth and awareness, I came across Hypnotherapy, the approach made me feel so connected deep down within my soul and without even taking the next breath.
I decided to acquire a certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy to learn the skills in order to understand myself and others in a better way, deeply on the unconscious level. As I always knew that our unconscious mind is very powerful and resourceful. So, once I started to study the beautiful art of hypnotherapy, and with every part of learning, I started to feel going deeper and falling in love even deeper with this beautiful piece of Art.
The techniques involved, combined my personal and professional experiences, hence I got more motivated to learn and it ignites the fire in my belly, coz I just don’t see only a future in it, however, a need to help others, which is very much me as “a person inside.” Help them to enlighten about the importance of “ending the silence” and the need for tangible strategies to support healing. It is indeed very fascinating to learn about each individual and their path, and it is powerfully satisfying to be a part of the process that allows them to make healthier and happier choices in their lives and help them to heal from within.
Healing can take place through many methods. Hypnotherapy techniques are simply some of the options and they also happen to be viable, expeditious and effective.
I believe that the present condition of one’s life represents the culmination of all the choices one has ever made. Therefore, everyone is fully successful in this moment. Each of us has achieved exactly what we have worked towards throughout our life. However, we can always take a control to create a better life through conscious awareness and selective experience. Yet, the choice is still available. There is no choice to be a victim of circumstances or take an active role in overcoming obstacles, challenges or setbacks. Through these challenges, our morality, virtues, and values are tested. Without choice there is no morality; without challenge, there is no power; without a struggle, there is no self-esteem. So, I want to help people to understand and learn to, embrace their trials or darkness, as I did. Victory is more than an easier life; it represents increased courage, conviction, strength, perseverance and is the evidence of self-love.

EXPERIENCE: – In my personal journey, I once got an opportunity to experience trance when volunteered for a demonstration (Trance phenomenon) in the class, during my first module of Hypnotherapy. It was an impactful session for me. The feeling was very relaxed as if after a decade I felt relaxation in my mind and something was opened up inside me and I could breathe. I went deep down into my darkness to reflect and flashbacks started to appear, made me realize, that I never loved myself, indeed whole of my life I lived and dedicated for others (personal & professional), made lot of sacrifices and went thru struggles all by myself alone, but I was managing well with my family with a feeling of contentment and thinking that this is my purpose in life.. Until a day came, when a doom started in my life and in that journey I suppressed all the way my feelings of hurt, pain, sufferings, so my loved ones don’t get hurt. I became Numb and forgot, how to smile, how to interact with people, how to talk, how to live, how to love.
However, with the suggestions given by my incredible hypnotherapist teacher (Mr.Stephen Lew), I later realized, that I am alive not yet dead, indeed made me feel empowered to reinvent myself and start all over again. I believe that we can’t make future if we stay stuck in the past, so I allowed myself to leave it behind and remembered that with each new sunrise, we CAN become whoever and whatever we desire. So I started my journey with zero points and open-mindedness…..again… A new Me…
In my personal view, this is what makes hypnotherapy so powerful- rather than a quick fix. I started to think differently and internalized the importance of self-care and self-love while thinking towards the future. It has been the most important milestone so far in my trying- to- conceive journey, and I am so happy that I tried it. I worked very hard to earn living, now in rest of my life, I want to earn peace with me while healing at the same time, before life says adieu to me.
I am learning hypnosis because I had discovered how powerful the mind was in my own search for healing from a physical illness (Hyper Migraine and Stomach-gut related issues) and dealing with different psyches of people around. I had made many changes in my thinking that helped my own body heal itself. If the mind can make someone heal, imagine how much power our mind has and how much we can heal our own lives in so many different ways. Hence, now I understand how powerful the mind is, and that hypnosis is a powerful tool used to make positive changes in our lives and well-being. I would love to a be a part of someone’s life to bring positive changes by making healthier and happier choices.
My Sincere Gratitude and respect to my mentor, Mr. Stephen Lew.
Thank you… for being a ray of light …